L'effet colibri, the hummingbird effect

Evadons-nous d'un battement d'ailes vers un jardin de scoops, de rêve et d'élégance, and more

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HUMOUR- Bibi, les habits neufs de l’impératrice

Pour célébrer la sortie du Elle Magazine spécial Bibi demain, si on se faisait un petit récap des plus incroyables flagorneries autour de notre Première Dame Macron.

Avouons que c’est le bon moment pour célébrer ces flagorneurs de tout poil, de ces médias appartenant aux amis du couple Macron…

Rires garantis.

Cela me rappelle  le conte d’Andersen   « des habits neufs de l’empereur,vous savez cet empereur vaniteux convaincu par 2 escrocs de parader nu dans les rues, persuadé de porter une tenue d’or si diaphane qu elle était invisible. Et le peuple et la Cour de s’ extasier….

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POEME- Sous le ciel de Paris

Une belle chanson sur Paris que je viens d’apprendre à la chorale.
Paroles de Jean Dréjac et Hubert Giraud. Cette chanson fut rendue célèbre par Edith Piaf.
Sous le ciel de Paris, il s’en passe des choses !
Sous le ciel de Paris
S’envole une chanson
Hum hum
Elle est née d’aujourd’hui
Dans le cœur d’un garçon
Sous le ciel de Paris
Marchent des amoureux
Hum hum
Leur bonheur se construit
Sur un air fait pour eux

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PEOPLE-ENG- Brigitte Macron, the next First Lady

Here they are now, on the threshold of the Presidential Elysees Palace, our local White House. A newcomer in politics, former banker and Ministre, Macron has almost won the top job last night. Emmanuel Macron had been the favourite in most surveys for weeks.  He managed to take the edge on the 10 other candidates, helped by  a « 12th candidate », his significant other, Brigitte. She has been « the one » since he was 15. Now, their romance is part of French History.

It was fated between these two soulmates

No matter what, Brigitte Macron has accompanied her husband everywhere, beaming like a star, always dolled up in luxury clothes on loan from the very exclusive brand LV (Louis Vuitton).  Brigitte has been so full of energy that she  really seemed to be the 12th candidate.

Will she be the most stylish French First Lady ever  ?  Errr, let’s have a look…

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LIFESTYLE- Marvels galore at Aux Merveilleux

A very yammy pastry boutique nests near the Boulevard Saint Germain, at 300 meters from the St Michel Boulevard and its subway station.

The number of products looks scarce in comparison with other French pastry shops, but you cannot take your eyes off the  exciting colourful marvels, those mysterious domes full of promises.



You may find all this very basic,  but taste them and you will fall in love with their heavenly taste, designed by pastry master from Lille,  Frederic Vaucamps.

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JARDIN – Flowers in Paris

Where to see nice flowers in Paris. A few spots you will enjoy.

Paris monuments

  • the Flower Market on the Isle of  La Cité
  • Luxembourg Palace Garden
  • Saint-Cloud  Park
  • Albert Kahn Japanese Garden

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LIFESTYLE – Travel advice , the safety issue

Going to France is not as dangerous as going to other countries, but there a few things to pay attention to, especially if you are coming from a safer place.


The French police patrol in uniforms or dressed as civilians to catch the delinquents

The big cities and all the tourist crowded places  ( like the French Riviera ) attract a fauna of dishonest people.  Like mosquitoes, they converge to all the crowded places where jet lagged tourists hang around with money.  Here is a sample of the specimens you may run into.

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ENG- PEOPLE – Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, a French romance

Lors du dernier dîner de gala donné par Hollande en l’honneur de Felipe et Letizia d’Espagne, une femme a volé la vedette à toutes les élégantes de la soirée , Letizia, Nadjat et autres Ségo et Fleur : Brigitte Trogneux, alias Madame Emmanuel Macron. C’était la première fois que l’épouse de notre fringant Ministre de l’Economie foulait un tapis rouge officiel.  Comme nous connaissons par coeur cette histoire déjà narrée  précédemment, je poursuis en anglais, pour les lecteurs étrangers qui ne connaissent pas encore l’histoire  du benjamin de nos ministres.


She looks a bit like Jane Fonda.  Brigitte Macron nee Trogneux, 56, had remained the mysterious spouse of our Ministre of Economy, Emmanuel Macron, 36. An unusual romance that fascinates the French public.  Discreet, Brigitte finally stepped on the red carpet, as her husband attended the gala dinner given by President Hollande in honour of the Spanish Royals.

  • He was 16 ,  she was …36.
  • She left the father of her 3 kids to follow her heart
  • Happily married for 20 years
  • « Grandfather » of 6 kids

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LIFESTYLE – July in France – part 1, French National Day

What to do in July in Paris ? Here are our main French summer traditions.


Let us start with the 14th of July,  our National Day, Fete Nationale in French.

So,  what to expect on  » le 14 Juillet » ?

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ENG- LIFESTYLE- Travel in France – part 2 , Prices and Taxes

Tipping or not tipping, mosquitoes, pickpockets, where to find toilets, here a few questions tourists wonder when they go to France for the first time.  Here are a few advice from your local  humble servant.

Pricing,  taxes, how does it work in France ?

 TTC-pricingGovoyages Travel Agency edited this advert to advertise their fares are all tax inclusive.

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LIFESTYLE- Travel in France – part 1 , Tipping or not Tipping

Tipping or not tipping, mosquitoes, pickpockets, where to find free toilets, here a few questions tourists wonder, especially when they go to France for the first time.  Here are a few advice from your local  humble servant.


Tipping or not tipping

Recently I learnt that a Chinese tourist was required to tip at a Nice restaurant ( not a nice restaurant though) . I and my friends were just shocked and sorry for the lady who felt compelled to tip that very rude waiter who had not been nice to her during her lunch.

I decided it was about time to address this very basic topic on this blog…

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EN-LIFESTYLE- Best ice creams in Paris

Summer is coming and the weather gets warmer and warmer… especially on the stuffy Paris subway trains. Fortunately, ice creams, gelati, sherbets are here to help us to cool down. Here are a few addresses  of ice cream parlours you’ll love to visit.


source- Huffington post

I will not pretend that I have visited all the famous ice cream parlours mentioned in this Paris Time Out article, but I can share with you my experience with three of them.

  • Berthillon, tradition and legend
  • Pozzetto, the best from Italy
  • Amorino, modern and genuine

and more ! Lire la suite

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EN-LIFESTYLE – Profiterole Chérie, heaven of the cream puff in sauce

Welcome to this new series of articles on Paris unknown food spots, where pastry tasting is an art de vivre !

Jaded with the « usual » macarons,  madeleines and cupcakes ?

Welcome to the fancy world of the Profiterole,  the funny name of the cream puff with a sauce. Super famous Chef Urraca has created a shop entirely dedicated to this pastry cutie.


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